Quickly reach out to your organization for items to be provided for the auction. Schedule your auction time & place, start contacting your
volunteers. Contact your members and build your list of who is coming.
The Info Line allows you to record information that is reachable by a phone number you can give out to your organization. When the phone line is called
there is a directory give with each key press to hear which message.
Personalized text messages are sent to those who sign up for them in your organization and can be used to help coordinate fundraisers, direct volunteers,
send out information, and more.
Personalized emails can be scheduled to be sent to your members to help coordinate volunteers, send out new information, send reminders, and keep your membership
informed of what is happening.
Learn how to manage users, importing, exporting,
you will learn everything about how to get the most out of the RunCampaigns system for your organization.